Toolkit Components:
The Carbon Reduction Sprint was a fun, free, and friendly 6-month competition for businesses, organizations, and municipalities to jumpstart progress on carbon-emissions reduction and earn recognition for their achievements. Running from December 4, 2023, through June 28, 2024, the Sprint saw organizations competing against peers and taking actions to earn points by demonstrating commitments to clean energy adoption (including energy efficiency, renewable energy, and greenhouse gas reduction), infrastructure and incentives promoting multi-modal transit options (such as biking, walking, and public transit), protecting or increasing green space, and procurement plans prioritizing local, reusable, and/or recycled products. Although many other actions contribute to carbon-emissions reductions, these were the themes focused on for the Sprint.
The Sprint featured educational opportunities, marketing and recognition, support and guidance from the Sustainable Pittsburgh team and partner organizations, and leaderboard updates on SustainablePittsburgh.org, which showcased top performers. Points earned in the Sprint could be leveraged toward higher designation levels in Sustainable Pittsburgh’s recognition programs: Restaurant, Shop, Workplace, and Sustainable Pennsylvania. Organizations from multiple sectors and at any stage of sustainability advancement were eligible to participate.
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We’re excited to announce that [Business/Municipality] achieved the top score in Sustainable Pittsburgh’s Carbon Reduction Sprint! This 6-month competition was all about jumpstarting progress on carbon-emissions reduction. We’re proud to demonstrate leadership in reducing carbon emissions both at our business and in our community. Visit SustainablePittsburgh.org/sprints to learn more about this friendly competition. #CarbonReductionSprint