Instructions for data submission
To share your demographic data with Sustainable Pittsburgh, please download this spreadsheet as an excel file and fill in the requested information. The file contains instructions about what and how to report. When the spreadsheet is complete, upload it to the sharing demographic data question using the attachment function on the online program portal. You must upload the completed spreadsheet as an excel file with the file name “YYYYMMDD_Organization name_Demographic data.”
The demographic data requested for this question concerns your organization’s leadership only, which this program defines as inclusive of managers and board of director members. If your organization does not have a board of directors, please provide numbers that reflect only managers. Managers are defined as employees at the organization that have responsibility for either teams or particular projects, and should include all levels of management at the company (including executives). The details of this may vary by organization (source: B Corp).
All data shared with Sustainable Pittsburgh program remains entirely confidential. It is never shared with the public or any entity outside of Sustainable Pittsburgh. Participant data is used strictly for verification, for awarding points, and to aggregate program results across participants.