Sustainable Pittsburgh presents Sustainable Pittsburgh Insider, your weekly advantage. We redesigned the 3E Links e-newsletter to better deliver sustainability updates, news and events to your inbox each week, and we’ve added some new features!
The newsletter now offers a Sustainability Insider section to profile champions of sustainability here in the Pittsburgh region. This current edition features Monaca Borough and recent advancements they are making in sustainable development. Another highlight of Sustainable Pittsburgh Insider is the opportunity for sustainability-minded businesses to advertise. There are two options available, a traditional graphic ad (“above the fold”) and an advertorial space, where a business can provide educational information. Purchasing ads in Sustainable Pittsburgh Insider dually gives advertisers exposure to a like-minded audience and provides readers with access to sustainability-related products, services, and insights to sustainable business practices at the hands of leading companies around our region. Also added is the Straight Talk feature providing commentary on current events as seen through the sustainability lens. This edition of Straight Talk addresses a severance tax on shale gas development.
Sustainable Pittsburgh welcomes your feedback. If you are interested in advertising, please contact Ginette Walker Vinski for details.