SAVE THE DATE – Tuesday, May 14, 2019 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm with optional tour and local chef’s dinner to follow.
The benefits of improving the availability of fresh locally produced food in your community are difficult to understate. A robust local food system can provide low income and disadvantaged members of your community with access to fresh and healthier foods. It can connect community members to workforce training opportunities and a larger pool of career oriented jobs. In addition, locally produced food can lower the region’s overall carbon emissions, return unused to land to productive use, and improve our regional air quality.
Please join Sustainable Pittsburgh’s Sustainable Community Development Network and Local Government Academy on the afternoon of Tuesday, May 14, 2019 in Sharpsburg for a discussion about what your community can do to improve the local food system. Grow Pittsburgh, The Greater Pittsburgh Food Policy Council, and the Sustainable Pittsburgh Restaurant program are working with us to create a program exploring numerous topics, including: workforce development, land use and reuse, the farm to table experience, restaurant incubators, urban agricultural, and a related model ordinance. We will end the day with an optional kitchen/restaurant incubator tour, and a chef-prepared private dinner!
Please mark the event on your calendars for Tuesday, May 14 and look for more detailed information coming soon!