On Wednesday, Dec. 2, Sustainable Pittsburgh revealed the leaders of the 2014-2015 Pittsburgh Green Workplace Challenge, a yearlong, friendly competition for businesses, nonprofits, municipalities, and universities to track and measure improvements in energy, water, waste, and transportation. The finale and awards ceremony took place in the evening at The Andy Warhol Museum on Pittsburgh’s North Side.
Fifty active participants, representing employers from throughout southwestern Pennsylvania, took a total of 1,931 “green actions” each of which earned them points in the challenge. Point-earning actions ranged from switching out less efficient light bulbs for more energy efficient ones, establishing recycling programs, carpooling, and much more. Together the participants saved $1.5 million in energy. Put in context, this is enough energy to power, for example, the occupied homes in Polish Hill (697 homes), Swisshelm Park (625 homes), and St. Clair (209 homes) for a year. This year’s participants also reduced landfill waste by 436 tons, or 35% compared to the baseline.
Sustainable Pittsburgh is proud of the accomplishments of all the participants. Every action added up to a big difference! To view the leaders and more of their regional impacts, please visit the Green Workplace Challenge website.
In the photo:
Top Scorers, left to right: Sara Thompson, Pashek Associates; Jamin Bogi, GASP; Phyllis Barber, Highmark; Marc Mondor, evolveEA; Beth Edwards, The Mall at Robinson; Kathy Hrabovsky, Allegheny County; Kristen Matthews, GTECH; Indigo Raffel, Conservation Consultants, Inc.; Mario Leone, Monaca Borough (not pictured: University of Pittsburgh & Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh)