Are you a small business owner or manager? Are you looking for ways to save money that can be freed-up for doing more for your business?
Join Sustainable Pittsburgh on Wednesday, August 17 for this free workshop to explore how small businesses can save money and resources by conserving energy and reducing waste. Each participant will learn how to assess energy usage and create a workable energy-saving strategy, whether or not a business controls its own utilities. Attendees will also learn about conducting a workplace waste audit, which can help identify options for saving costs on waste by diverting waste from landfills, including reusing, recycling and composting.
Date: Wednesday, August 17
Time: 9:15 am – 10:30 am
Location: Carnegie Library of Homestead
Cost: Free to attend; breakfast provided.
Contact: Anastasia Stolz at or call 412-258-6652.
RSVP Today!
Featured Speakers:
Teresa Bradley, Zero Waste Services Coordinator, Pennsylvania Resources Council
Kathryn Fantauzzi, Director of Market Initiatives, Conservation Consultants, Inc. (CCI)
This workshop is presented through Sustainable Pittsburgh’s Southwestern PA Sustainable Small Business Designation program, a sustainability performance program for small businesses. All are welcome to attend.