Days before Congress’s 2022 August Recess, the U.S. Senate surprised many by announcing a significant legislative proposal to meet today’s climate and energy security challenges. The Inflation Reduction Act of […]
Sustainable PGH's Update on CONNECT's Climate Action Plan with Senior Program Manager, Jim Price
On Thursday, May 19th, the municipal members of the Congress of Neighboring Communities, CONNECT, unanimously voted to adopt a Climate Action Plan. CONNECT is a nonpartisan initiative of the University […]
Dash to Designation: Complete the On Ramp to be featured in SPI and across Sustainable Pittsburgh social media
Thinking about signing up your organization for a Sustainable Pittsburgh recognition program? Get started with the easy On Ramp by July 31 and earn recognition in the Sustainable Pittsburgh Insider […]
Infrastructure Bill Unlocks Decarbonization Playbook
It’s been six months since the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) was signed into law, earmarking $1.2 trillion for a “once-in-a-generation” investment in our country’s physical infrastructure. The scope […]
New publication offers options for policy makers to effectively reduce single-use plastics in their communities
Wood Street Communications
Sustainable Pittsburgh officially reopens acclaimed programs to support and recognize sustainability progress
Thursday, May 19th, the nonprofit Sustainable Pittsburgh reopened its acclaimed sustainability recognition programs, propelling a new phase in the organization’s work to build the knowledge, perspective, and ability needed to […]