According to an April poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 56 percent of adults said their mental health was negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. And with the US reaching a milestone of 4 million reported cases of coronavirus in the country, it’s no wonder mental health professionals are noting a marked increase in burnout, loneliness, and depression.
Caring for one’s emotional well-being is integral to advancing a more sustainable world. Sustainable Pittsburgh has compiled a brief list of resources and guides to help keep psychological health at the forefront during these uncertain times.
- How Women Can Protect Their Mental Health During COVID-19 (Women’s Day)
- Stress Management Tips For When Things Feel Unmanageable (Inc)
- Ecopsychology: How Immersion in Nature Benefits Your Health (Yale Environment 360)
- ‘Nature Deficit Disorder’ Is Really a Thing (NYT)
- Mental Health Treatment Resources (CDC)
- Coping with stress in COVID-19 (CDC)