Thursday, Feb. 15
1:00 pm – 2:15 pm
More information and registration
Join Conservation Consultants Inc. (CCI), for this Sustainable Community Development Network (SCDN) webinar brought to you by Sustainable Pittsburgh and Local Government Academy to learn how communities can mitigate the sometimes deadly problems caused by lead, radon, and mold in our homes. CCI’s new report, “The Case for Healthier Homes: Recommendations for the Pittsburgh Region,” and accompanying outreach material: poster, paper summary, petition, are designed to help community officials, local child care providers, renters and home owners fully understand the problem–and learn about existing resources, innovative actions, trends, and best practices that are being utilized around the country and beyond.
Ensuring healthy, efficient housing for all residents in your community is a priority for public officials. Our region’s residences have three key health hazards: lead, radon and mold, which are frequently amplified by the age of the house or rental unit. A full eighty-two (82) percent of Allegheny County homes were built before 1978, when lead was a common ingredient in paint. Lead exposure to children can result in developmental delays, reduced IQ, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other issues. In addition, Allegheny County and Western Pennsylvania homes are statistically likely to have radon counts above the EPA-recommended level. Long-term radon exposure can result in lung cancer, and radon causes more deaths per year in the United States than drunk driving. Mold can occur in any home wherever there is moisture, causing asthma, obstructive lung disease, and lung infections. It can result from roof leaks, poor foundation drainage, or improper air-sealing, and mold problems disproportionately impacts low-income and minority households.