Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development Financial assistance to local governments, organizations and businesses in the forms of grant and loan funds to promote the use of alternative energy, […]
Financial Assistance/Incentives
Alternative and Clean Energy Program (ACE)
Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development Financial assistance in the form of grant and loan funds that can be used by local governments, organizations, and businesses for the utilization, […]
Energy Financial Incentives Factsheet for PA Businesses
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Energy Efficiency and renewable energy financing factsheet for Pennsylvania businesses. Visit Resource Website
Communities LEAP (Local Energy Program Pilot)
US Department of Energy Aims to facilitate sustained community-wide economic and environmental benefits primarily through DOE’s clean energy deployment work. This opportunity is specifically open to low-income, energy-burdened communities that […]
Coal Communities Federal Funding Opportunities
Interagency Working Group on Coal and Power Plant Communities and Economic Revitalization Opportunities in existing federal funding identified by the IWG on Coal Communities that can be accessed by Energy […]
Western Pennsylvania Energy Consortium
Western Pennsylvania Energy Consortium A region-wide energy cost and consumption reduction program that purchases energy and clean energy in bulk for its members, including local governments and businesses Visit Resource […]