Ross Township in Allegheny County was named after the prominent Pittsburgh Attorney James Ross who represented Western Pennsylvania at the Constitutional Convention of 1790 and was the personal lawyer of George Washington. Now with the hope to represent that legacy of greatness for another couple hundred years, Ross Township has earned the highest level of achievement in the Sustainable Pennsylvania Community Certification: Platinum! Diligently, Ross Township has been striving to provide a prosperous community based on unity, family, and civic pride, while emphasizing a healthy environment and the use of sustainability as their framework for progress.
Ross Township is committed to integrating sustainability practices and policies with their Comprehensive Plan (created with extensive community input) with the analyses and synthesis of future land use concerning public safety, transportation, business, natural resources, and green space. The Township is encouraging small businesses to grow along side large retail as their community expands. Going forward, all new development will require sidewalks, street trees, landscaping, and pedestrian amenities. The next sustainable projects include improvement of storm water infiltration through pervious surfaces in Denny Park, Herge Park, and Evergreen Park.
Ross Township also joined Live Well Allegheny to promote healthy living in their community by utilizing resources such as their 22 park facilities that are available for walking and biking. Being resource conscious, Ross Township has a community-wide recycling program that has diverted 46% of its solid waste and yard waste from landfills. And as their infrastructure is refined and improved, Ross Township is replacing their streetlights with high efficiency LED bulbs. Solarize Ross Township was created to encourage the community, residents and businesses, to find carbon-pollution-free solar solutions for their energy needs.
Keep up the great work, Ross!