Monaca Borough, a Gold certified Sustainable Community and participant in the Pittsburgh Green Workplace Challenge, continues to be a leader in advancing sustainable development in the region. Mario Leone, Borough Manager, shared highlights with Sustainable Pittsburgh of some of the Borough’s latest sustainability projects.
Recently, the Borough completed a 55.8 kW Solar PV system at its Water Reservoir, which will offset approximately 42% of energy consumption used there. Borough officials can go online to see how much energy each of the nearly 200 solar panels is producing. A link will be made available to borough residents, and possibly for teachers in the local school district as a unique educational tool.
Additionally, the Borough is building a green roof at the Comfort Station/Pavilion at Antoline Park. Green roofs feature living plants that help reduce stormwater flooding by retaining rain water. They also help keep the building cool in warmer weather and capture airborne pollutants. Construction should be completed in early spring.
Kudos, Monaca, on continuing to apply principles of sustainable thinking in decision making–taking into consideration impacts on community members, natural resources, and the bottom line.
Above: Photo of the 55.8 kW solar PV system
Above: Building the green roof at Antoline Park