We are thrilled to be welcoming Sustainable Pittsburgh’s founding executive director Court Gould to our 25th anniversary celebration on May 11 during a featured part of our program. Join us as he and our current executive director, Joylette Portlock, together trace the legacy of the organization and explore upcoming opportunities to forge a better future for all.
With Sustainable Pittsburgh’s inception in 1998, Court Gould led the introduction of the concept of sustainability to many of the region’s stakeholders, building relationships and connectivity. Gould’s tenure saw the activation of professional networks including Champions for Sustainability, CEOs for Sustainability, and the introduction of formal sustainability performance programs, including the Sustainable Community Essentials Rapid Assessment – the precursor to what is now Sustainable Pennsylvania, among others. Taking the reins in 2018, Portlock built upon the foundation laid by Gould to accelerate progress, with the creation of the Sustainable Pittsburgh Workplace program and impact-focused Sprints, the expansion of existing networks and creation of new ones. Portlock has led our work through the pandemic with a new look and new technological and data capabilities, and expanded our reach in the areas of social equity and climate change – our region’s two most pressing sustainability issues.
Join us on May 11 and hear how these visionaries reflect on sustainability progress in Pittsburgh and discuss the work ahead to meet the scale of our challenges. Act now to secure your spot: Registration closes May 4th!