Not only are goats cute, they are also relentless at removing unwanted vegetation, allowing for better landscape management and greenspace restoration in communities. Goats live for munching on unwanted greenery, and they are eco-friendly and efficient. Municipalities, private land owners, and businesses can now enlist the nonprofit Allegheny GoatScape to help remove invasive plants such as Japanese Knotweed, Kudzu and others.
Goats can navigate certain areas better than humans, and they get a tasty treat while saving the community on labor costs and potential injuries. Plus, there will be less waste and a reduction in the use of fuels and expensive machinery. After the goats complete their work, it is much easier for a team of landscapers or public works employees to finish the project.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Founder and Executive Director, Gavin Deming, at
To see the goats at work or learn more about it, join Allegheny GoatScape in South Side Park for Goat Fest, a public celebration, on July 8th.