Wednesday, March 29th
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Register here
Contact: Jim Price @ or 412-259-5331 if you have any questions
A Sustainable Development Academy program presented by the Local Government Academy and Sustainable Pittsburgh’s Sustainable Community Development Network
This webinar, presented for municipal leaders, land use planners and community development corporations in Southwestern Pennsylvania, introduces participants to the use of Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) to protect environmentally and culturally important properties and open space and promote innovative and sustainable land use.
Transfer of Development Rights is a powerful land use tool utilized by municipalities to virtually generate tax revenue from green space, agricultural lands, green infrastructure and important historic or cultural lands, while promoting development in other more appropriate places. Used strategically, TDRs can promote a sense of community, improve air and water quality, available fresh food and healthy recreation, and enhance surrounding property values.
Municipalities with existing infrastructure and property not generating revenue could benefit from TDR programs. Development is directed where the municipality prefers it to be, and development rights can be transferred to another parcel where they are better suited to benefit the community and are better positioned to yield revenue. The potential revenue generated by a municipality from the direct sale of development rights, and additional real estate taxes due to the increased value of properties receiving the development rights can be used to improve and steward vacant parcels, improve infrastructure, address stormwater and CSO issues, creating urban gardens, and protecting green spaces.
Join Local Government Academy, Sustainable Pittsburgh, and the Allegheny Land Trust in this webinar to learn how Transfer of Development Rights is a proven means to meet multiple objectives and create win-win outcomes. Roy Kraynyk, Allegheny Land Trust’s Vice President of Land Protection and Capital Projects, will introduce practical applications of Transfer of Development Rights in the region.
If you are not able to participate in our webinar on March 29th you can see Mr. Kraynyk discuss Transfer of Development Rights on Monday, April 24th at 2:00 p.m. at 1705 Maple Street
Homestead, PA 15120 at the Blight Busters Working Group Meeting hosted by the Steel Rivers Council of Governments.