Sustainable Pittsburgh is pleased to welcome The Heinz Endowments Summer Youth Philanthropy Interns to our offices this summer–and through their work, we are announcing a special grant opportunity, “Bring Youth Outdoors.”
The Heinz Endowments Summer Youth Philanthropy Internship Program provides high school seniors in the Pittsburgh area an opportunity to work to improve their community by developing and implementing a youth philanthropy project. This group of bright students will be based at Sustainable Pittsburgh’s offices through mid-August. We asked them to share where they are going to school this fall and what they’re studying.
In the photo, from left to right, we have:
– Marcus McGinniss: University of South Carolina – International Business
– Liz Vargo: Georgetown University – International Economics
– Anna Fireman: Brown University – Business, Entrepreneurship, and Organizations
– Emanule Cargile: Community College of Allegheny County – Biology and Education
– Paige Golden: Clarion University – Psychology
Grant Opportunity:
These Interns, working in collaboration with Sustainable Pittsburgh and Local Government Academy, have focused their grantmaking project on bringing youth outdoors through stewardship of community green spaces.
“Bring Youth Outdoors” aims to help municipalities create positive experiences for youth outdoors through educational workshops, recreation, and volunteering. By getting outdoors, youth are exposed to health benefits of outdoor time as well as greater awareness and appreciation of their community.
The request for proposals* will be available at heinz.org/youthphilanthropy this weekend. For more details, please contact the interns at evargo@heinzinterns.org.
*Eligible are municipalities that have earned or pledged to earn the Sustainable Pennsylvania Community Certification.
Welcome aboard, Marcus, Liz, Anna, Manny, and Paige!