KEEA & EEA-NJ’s Policy Conference continues to attract hundreds of energy efficiency businesses, utilities, regulators, and advocates from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and beyond.
This year’s theme is Policy in Action! Learn how recent and upcoming policies are affecting on-the-ground action in the Mid-Atlantic energy efficiency industry, from kitchen-table contractor conversations to state energy offices.
Policy in Action features lots of programming to get excited about, including:
• Three keynote addresses from dynamic speakers Keishaa Austin (DOE), Katie McGinty (Johnson Controls), and Brian Regli (PA Critical Investments Office).
• Five panels covering the Pennsylvania and New Jersey energy efficiency landscapes, decarbonization, distributed energy resources, and energy efficiency in affordable housing.
•Two special roundtable discussions featuring contractor industry perspectives and thought leaders on the future of energy efficiency.
• A brand new “PechaKucha” session featuring seven-minute presentations from conference attendees on the theme “New Challenges, New Solutions”.
• A networking happy hour featuring “movers and shakers” from across the Mid-Atlantic energy efficiency industry.
• A vibrant sponsor hall full of our region’s leading energy efficiency companies.