Mini-Challenge #6: May
Answer 50% of questions in the Sprint before June 7 to earn 5 bonus points! Check your progress when you log in and click “Sprint Ahead.”
Earn 5 additional bonus points by referring a friend! To get started and activate their Sprint participation, new competitors will need to create an account, log in, and click “begin.”
Mini-Challenge #5: April
Is sustainable procurement a priority for your business, organization, or municipality?
The specific actions that will earn Sprint participants 5 bonus points if answered in the affirmative (earning any number of points greater than zero) by April 30th are as follows for each user type:
- For Sustainable Pennsylvania (municipalities), go to the “Waste and Materials Management” topic and look for:
- Sustainable Purchasing – There is a written policy in place to encourage sustainable purchasing – the procurement process is tied to general operational policy and focuses on purchasing and/or repairing reusable items before considering single use goods.
- For Sustainable Pittsburgh Restaurants, go to the “Responsible Sourcing” topic and look for:
- Local Product and Ingredient Sourcing – Do you source local products or ingredients? (For this purpose “local” is considered within a 200 mile radius from your restaurant.)
- For Sustainable Pittsburgh Shops, go to the “Products, Services, and Purchasing” topic and look for:
- Sustainable/Environmentally-preferable Purchasing Policy: The business has a sustainable/environmentally-preferable purchasing policy (e.g., it seeks out and buys environmentally-friendly cleaning supplies, furniture, and other items).
- For Sustainable Pittsburgh Workplaces, go to the “Products & Services” topic and look for:
- Local Suppliers: – Which of the following statements describe your organization’s approach to purchasing with local suppliers/vendors?
Mini-Challenge #4: March
Have 25% of total points earned in the Sprint before April 5 to earn 5 bonus points.
Also, refer a friend to participate in the Sprint to earn 5 bonus points per referral. To earn bonus points, the referred party must, at a minimum, create an account, log into the account and click “begin,” to start participating in the Sprint.
Mini-Challenge #3: February
Is multi-modal transportation encouraged and used among your stakeholder base?
Multi-modal transportation includes bicycling, walking, and public transit. Do you have customers who use modes of transportation like these? Employees?
The specific actions that will earn Sprint participants 5 bonus points per question if answered in the affirmative (earning any number of points greater than zero) by Feb. 23 are as follows for each user type:
- For Sustainable Pennsylvania (municipalities), go to the “Transportation” topic and look for:
- Transit Policy and Infrastructure – The municipality has passed transit policies or built transit-related infrastructure.
- Bicycle Policy and Infrastructure – The municipality has created and is implementing plans and policies to improve bicycle infrastructure and increase bicycle usage.
- For Sustainable Pittsburgh Restaurants, go to the “Community” topic and look for:
- Transit Use – Do you encourage or incentivize employees and/or guests to use public transit, bike, or walk to get to your restaurant?
- Secure Location to Store Bicycles – Is there a secure location to store bicycles at or near your restaurant?
- For Sustainable Pittsburgh Shops, go to the “Transportation” topic and look for:
- Employees Use Public/Alternative Transport – The business has employees who use public transit or hybrid, electric, or alternative fuel vehicles to commute to and from work
- Employees Bike or Walk – The business has employees who bike or walk to and from work.
- For Sustainable Pittsburgh Workplaces, go to the “Transportation” topic and look for:
- CommuteInfo – In which of the following ways has your organization engaged with the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission’s CommuteInfo program to increase employee sustainable commutes?
- Sustainable Commutes – Which of the following actions has your organization taken to encourage and incentivize sustainable commutes/business travel?
Mini-Challenge #2: January
Have 10% of total points earned in the Sprint before Jan. 26 to earn 5 bonus points.
Mini-Challenge #1: December
The specific actions that will earn Sprint participants 5 bonus points per question if answered in the affirmative by Dec. 22 are as follows for each user type:
- For Sustainable Pennsylvania (municipalities)
- Do you track your energy usage?
- To what extent has the municipality engaged in an energy audit for municipally owned buildings?
- For Sustainable Pittsburgh Restaurants
- Do you track your energy usage?
- To what extent has your restaurant engaged in an energy audit?
- For Sustainable Pittsburgh Shops:
- This business is aware of how much energy it uses and tracks its monthly progress on savings.
- The business has undergone an energy audit or assessment in the past five years
- For Sustainable Pittsburgh Workplaces
- Does your organization have access to data on its energy use? Does your organization monitor and record its energy use? (must answer yes to both to get full 5 points)
- To what extent has your organization engaged in an energy audit?
Businesses and Organizations
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