- Phone
412-626-3794 - Address
6600 Hamilton Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Sustainability Practices
Owner Lives Within 5 Miles
The business is owned by a proprietor who lives within 5 miles of his or her business.
A. Yes
Employees Use Public/Alternative Transport
The business has employees who use public transit or hybrid, electric, or alternative fuel vehicles to commute to and from work.
A. Yes
Employees Bike or Walk
The business has employees who bike or walk to and from work.
A. Yes
Waste Management
Print Preview
The business uses "print preview" on their word processor to reduce wasteful printing.
A. Yes
Waste Tracking
The business is aware of the amount of waste it produces and disposes of and tracks its progress on waste reduction.
A. Yes
Waste Reduction/Recycling Policy
The business has a waste reduction and recycling policy and has informed its employees about waste reduction and proper recycling practices.
A. Yes
"Hard-to-recycle" Items
The business recycles larger "hard-to-recycle" items that are able to be recycled (e.g., refrigerators, furniture, etc.).
A. Yes
Eliminated Plastic Bag Use
The business has eliminated the use of plastic bags for customer transactions.
A. Yes
Products, Services, and Purchasing
Biodegradable/Environmentally-friendly Cleaning Supplies
The business uses biodegradable, environmentally-friendly cleaning supplies (if allowed by law for its industry/sector).
A. Yes
30% Post-Consumer Recycled Material Paper Products
The business buys paper products (e.g., printing paper, toilet paper, paper towels, etc.) made with at least 30% post-consumer recycled content.
A. Yes
Paper Products Free of Bleach/Chlorine
The business buys paper products that are free of bleach and/or chlorine.
A. Yes
Supports Fair-trade Items
The business supports fair-trade items.
A. Yes
Sustainable/Environmentally-preferable Purchasing Policy
The business has a sustainable/environmentally-preferable purchasing policy (e.g., it seeks out and buys environmentally-friendly cleaning supplies, furniture, and other items).
A. Yes
Cooperative Purchasing With Local Businesses
The business engages in cooperative purchasing with other local businesses or organizations.
A. Yes
Innovation Bonus 1
Tell us about a sustainable initiative not listed in the questionnaire. List sustainable practice:
A. Yes
We compost 90% of our waste.
Energy Conservation and Management
LED Exit Signs
The business has replaced existing exit signs with LED models or has retrofitted an existing exit sign with LEDs.
A. Yes
Solar Lights/Outdoor Timers
The business uses solar lights or timers for outdoor lighting.
A. Yes
Fluorescent Light Replacement
The business has replaced its fluorescent light bulbs or tubes (as they have burned out) with low-mercury fluorescent light bulbs or tubes.
A. Yes
Task/Zone Lighting
The business uses task lighting and/or zone lighting instead of entire-room overhead lighting.
A. Yes
Phantom Load
The business unplugs little-used appliances, electronic equipment, and lighting fixtures to avoid “phantom load.”
A. Yes
The business uses at least one ENERGY STAR approved product, such as an HVAC unit, refrigerator, dishwasher, or computer (look for a blue ENERGY STAR logo on the product.)
A. Yes
Natural Cooling
The business uses natural cooling (e.g., opening windows and doors) in place of air conditioning, when feasible.
A. Yes
Programmable Thermostat
The business uses a programmable thermostat and sets it lower in the winter and higher in the summer.
A. Yes
HVAC System Cleaning
The business replaces filters and or cleans its HVAC system.
A. Yes
The business has sealed leaks around doors, windows, outlets, corners, and other joints ("weatherization").
A. Yes
Energy-efficient Windows
The business uses multi-pane and/or energy-efficient windows.
A. Yes
Business Operations and Practices
Guards Against Corruption
The business has policies or code of ethics that guard against corruption.
A. Yes
Up-to-date Housekeeping Items
The business is up-to-date with its bookkeeping and accounting, cash flow, workplace health and safety, licenses and permits, and insurance policies.
A. Yes
Laws and Regulations Compliance
The business is compliant with all applicable laws and regulations (e.g., taxes, health code, etc.).
A. Yes
Marketing Plan
The business has a marketing plan.
A. Yes
Stategic Business Plan
The business has a strategic, future-oriented business plan in place.
A. Yes
Sustainability Initiative Staff
The business has a designated staff member or team responsible for the oversight and implementation of sustainability initiatives (may include business owner).
A. Yes
Sustainable Practices Training
The business includes sustainable practices in the training of new and existing employees.
A. Yes
Employee Health Encouragement
The business encourages its employees to exercise or stay healthy and fit.
A. Yes
Local/Sustainability Marketing
The business markets itself as a local and sustainability-oriented business.
A. Yes
Sustainability Policy/Goals/Principles
The business has a written sustainability policy, sustainability goals, or sustainability principles to guide its operations.
A. Yes
Owner Participates as Local Leader
The business owner participates in/is a member of a community-oriented committee, board or local business association.
A. Yes
Prohibits Discrimination
The business prohibits discrimination in both hiring and customer service, and values inclusion and diversity.
A. Yes
Interviews Wide Range of Candidates
The business ensures that a wide range of candidates are interviewed for job openings.
A. Yes
Pays Living Wages
The business pays living wages to all of its employees.
A. Yes
Eliminated Harmful Chemicals for Pest Control
The business has eliminated the use of harmful chemicals for pest control, both inside and outside its building.
A. Yes
Former Blighted/Abandoned Property
The business occupies a formerly blighted/abandoned property, putting it back into productive use.
A. Yes
Low Use of VOCs
The business only uses or has only used paints, finishes, coatings, stains, primers, adhesives, and sealants that are low-emitting (i.e., low in volatile organic chemicals [VOCs]).
A. Yes