DMI Companies President & CEO Raymond Yeager appointed CEOs for Sustainability Co-chair Yeager brings his experience leading a sustainability-centered manufacturing company as the executive network calls on southwestern Pennsylvania businesses […]
News and other posts from Sustainable Pittsburgh
Introducing: Solsmart
Sustainable Pittsburgh is teaming up with the Great Plains Institute and the Solsmart program staff to bring technical expertise and recognition to local municipalities looking to improve their potential for […]
COVID-19 Relief Resources [UPDATED]
Coping with COVID-19: Mental Health Resources
According to an April poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 56 percent of adults said their mental health was negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. And with the US reaching […]
20 Sustainability Books for Your Summer Reading List
The Sustainable Pittsburgh team has compiled some of their favorite reads on the many topics covered under the sustainability umbrella: equity, environmentalism, circular economy, food systems, diversity, and more. Be […]
More than 30 Pittsburgh environmental groups stand behind this statement on justice, race and responsibility
During the COVID-19 crisis, the people of southwestern Pennsylvania have learned much about who we are, who we want to be, and the need for unity and leadership in the […]