Provided by UNTITLED
This talk will feature Democratic Society (Demsoc), a non-profit based in Brussels with offices across Europe. Demsoc works to create a democracy that works for everyone. This includes democratizing climate action and involving people in the transition to a just, resilient climate future. Because Climate Action enables us a future and Democracy allows it to be a future for all. Their Climate Programme has been working with over 14 cities across Europe, collaborating with governments at all levels, citizen-led initiatives, funders, researchers, and other nonprofits to achieve climate resilience through democratic means, what DemSoc terms ‘climate democracy’. This talk will highlight DemSoc’s fresh findings on working with change-hesitant cities. Hesitancy or resistance must be only part of the journey, not the end, and it is important to find ways to mobilize action even in settings that are hesitant to act. In such settings, Strategies for a Networked Approach can catalyze and sustain ongoing shifts toward climate democracy.