Provided by: Green Building Alliance
The building sector is the world’s single largest emitter of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs), accounting for 30-40% of total global GHG emissions. Although operational emissions account for more of a building’s carbon footprint over its entire life, between now and 2030, almost 75% of the carbon footprint of that 900 B ft2 will be embodied carbon, NOT operational emissions. Building products can reduce their carbon footprint and even become carbon sinks that help remove excess greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Since typical industry associations have traditionally focused on reducing operational carbon emissions, shifting some of our focus to address the more immediate challenge of embodied carbon requires wide-spread awareness and education on the emerging toolbox available to industry professionals. This session will equip manufacturers, architects, designers, and other building industry professionals with specific and practical strategies for selecting products and materials that reduce embodied carbon emissions and move the industry toward making buildings part of the solution instead of less of the problem. Learning from experts in climate smart design, construction, and product manufacturing, participants will be empowered to ensure that their daily work contributes to creating a balanced climate