Your sustainability journey doesn’t end with the Carbon Reduction Sprint. The actions you took during the Sprint can help you achieve full designation or work towards a higher level of re-designation in one of Sustainable Pittsburgh’s designation programs. Learn more.

Jumpstart progress on key sustainability topics and earn bragging rights through these fun, friendly competitions.
Carbon Reduction Sprint
Congratulations 2023 – 2024 Carbon Reduction Sprint Top Scorers!
Sustainable Pittsburgh is pleased to announce the top scorers of the Carbon Reduction Sprint. Hosted by Sustainable Pittsburgh, Sprints are free and friendly timebound competitions for businesses, municipalities, and other organizations to jumpstart progress on key sustainability topics. After six months of close competition, the Top Scorers in the Carbon Reduction Sprint are as follows:
Workplace Category
- Luxfer Magtech – 100 Points
- Runner-Up: Allegheny County Downtown Campus – 96 Points
- Third place: BNY – 87 Points
Restaurant Category
- Portia’s Donuts & Bobas – 133 Points
- Runner-Up: 40 North Bar & Restaurant – 109 Points
- Third place: Pittsburgh Taco Boys – 82 Points
Shop Category
- Bike Share Pittsburgh – 91 Points
- Runner-Up: The Life Potion – 83 Points
- Third place: City Books – 74 Points
Municipal Category
- Palmer Township – 155
- Runner Up: Pittston City – 138 Points
- Third place: McCandless Township – 110 Points
The Carbon Reduction Sprint launched in late 2023 and concluded June 28, 2024. Nearly 120 organizations competed among peers to reduce their carbon emissions. Of the group, 50 municipalities from across the commonwealth participated, along with 69 shops, restaurants, and other workplaces based in southwestern Pennsylvania.
The Sprint involves a series of point-earning questions via an online platform that participants can choose to answer, all related to reducing carbon emissions. Questions include whether an organization tracks its energy usage, if an organization uses renewable energy, or has installed energy-efficient equipment. Encouraging bicycle use and carpooling, as well as purchasing from local suppliers are other actions that organizations can take. In total, Carbon Reduction Sprint participants took a whopping 940 actions during the course of the competition.
Thank You to our Carbon Reduction Sprint Official Partners

What is a Sustainable Pittsburgh Sprint?
Sustainable Pittsburgh Sprints enable organizations to compete against peers in earning points for actions that advance social equity, carbon-emissions reduction, or another critical topic. Any workplace, from any sector and at any stage of sustainability advancement, is encouraged to be part of these three- or six-month bursts. Organizations can rally employees toward quick progress, track performance against peers through Sprint leaderboards, and earn recognition as sustainability leaders.
Value to our Region
Organizations that prioritize sustainability are employers and partners of choice, contributing to more vibrant, equitable communities and a healthy environment.
Value to Participating Organizations
Whether your organization is new to sustainability or more advanced in its practices, Sprints offer tools, resources, and connections to advance progress in an essential focus area.