Instructions for data calculation To calculate your answers to these questions, please use the data you uploaded for the “sharing demographic data” question as follows: Gender and leadership: (Sum of […]
Sharing demographic data with Sustainable Pittsburgh
Instructions for data submission To share your demographic data with Sustainable Pittsburgh, please download this spreadsheet as an excel file and fill in the requested information. The file contains instructions […]
Sharing fleet data with Sustainable Pittsburgh
Instructions for data submission To share your fleet data with Sustainable Pittsburgh, please download this spreadsheet as an excel file and fill in the requested information. The file contains instructions […]
Reporting carbon offsets
Instructions for data calculation A carbon offset is a unit of carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e) that is reduced, avoided, or sequestered to compensate for emissions occurring elsewhere. They are separate from […]
Reporting Scope 3 GHG reduction
Instructions for data calculation Please calculate your scope 3 GHG emissions reduction using the scope 3 emissions for the base year and current year that you reported. Calculate the percent […]
Sharing scope 3 greenhouse gas data with Sustainable Pittsburgh
Instructions for data submission To share your Scope 3 GHG data with Sustainable Pittsburgh, please download this spreadsheet as an excel file and fill in the requested information. The file […]